Oil Palm Market in Hungary

Audiensi dan meeting pertama dengan ITPC Budapest.

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Terimakasih atas sambutan, penerimaan juga diskusinya yang dalam dan menyeluruh tentang perspektif dan perkembangan komoditas kelapa sawit untuk area yang di bawah naungan ITPC Budapest.
ttd. Agie Priakbar

Thank you for your welcome, acceptance as well as deep and thorough discussion about the perspective and development of oil palm commodities for the area under the auspices of ITPC Budapest.
signature Agie Priakbar

Grazie per l’accoglienza, l’accettazione e una discussione approfondita e ampia sulle prospettive e gli sviluppi delle materie prime della palma da olio per l’area sotto l’egida dell’ITPC Budapest.
firma Agie Priakbar


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