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Author: HadeIT
Used Cooking Oil from HADE Energia Globale
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Collecting Used Cooking Oil
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Oil Palm: The Gift From God To The World Delivered Through Indonesia
Oil palm can be considered as one of magical plants, the creation of God Almighty, which is gifted to the world community through Indonesia. It is said to be a magical plant because as an oil producing plant, oil palm the highest productivity in oil per hectare of land ratio, more than 10 times compared to other 17 species of vegetable oil plants known and planted all over the world.
The productivity of soybean oil, rapeseed / canola oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, coconut oil, cotton seed oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, linseed oil, and others only produce around 0.3-0.6 ton oil per hectare of land, while palm oil is currently able to produce 6-8 tons of oil per hectare. Not only is it capable of producing the highest oil, it is also capable of producing oil throughout the year for 25 years continuously, so that the oil supply from palm is relatively stable all the time.
Oil palm also deserves to be called God’s gift to the world through Indonesia. Oil Palm Plantation is not a native Indonesian plant, it is a native plant in Central / Southwest Africa. However, in the area of its origin, oil palm does not grow and its productivity is also relatively low, which is approximately half of what it produces in Indonesia. After the oil palm is developed in Indonesia (commercially starting in 1911), new palm grows rapidly and produces oil for the needs of the world.
Oil palm has become a miraculous vegetable-oil-producing plant, because Indonesia is also gifted with favorable climate throughout the year. Also, Indonesia that is also a tropical country, is endowed with intense and broad sunlight exposure (from Merauke to Sabang) and long period of sunlight exposure of 15 hours per day (the longest in the world), making the harvesting of solar energy by the oil palm large enough, which then can be stored in the form of palm oil.
Currently, Indonesia already produces about 36 million tons of palm oil and more than 70 percent is distributed throughout the world with relatively low prices, available in enough quantities, and stable supply throughout the year so that the world community can enjoy it either as food, biodiesel, detergent, soap, lubricants, medication, or cosmetics. Indonesia’s oil palm production continues to increase to meet the needs of a growing world community.
Not only that, Indonesian palm oil also cleans the earth’s air from the world’s carbon emissions. The high productivity of oil palm plantation is possible because the palm plantation absorbs higher carbon from the earth’s atmosphere, which then is recycled into oxygen that is vital for life on earth. This service is given for free to the entire world community. Oil Palm is a gift From God To The World Delivered Through Indonesia.
Pungutan Nol Belum Cukup Angkat Harga Sawit
Pemerintah sudah menurunkan pungutan ekspor CPO dan turunannya menjadi Nol persen. Pasar TBS di berbagai daerah memang bereaksi dengan sedikit kenaikan. Namun kenaikan harga TBS tersebut hanya sedikit dan tidak berlangsung lama. Mengapa ? Karena harga CPO dunia masih tetap rendah. Harga CPO CIF Roterdam minggu pertama bulan Desember ini masih sekitar USD 480 per ton dan harga CPO fob Belawan masih sekitar USD 420 per ton.
Masalah utama pasar minyak sawit dunia saat ini adalah kelebihan minyak sawit (over supply) bahkan tahun depan pasar minyak nabati dunia khususnya minyak sawit masih over supply. Solusinya harus ada permintaan baru yang mampu menyerap setidaknya 20 juta ton per tahun.
Caranya sudah dimulai pemerintah dengan perluasan B20 sejak 1 September 2018. Ini belum cukup terutama untuk mendongkrak harga minyak sawit tahun depan. Perlu tambahan penyerapan CPO domestik yang lebih besar. Pertama, tingkatkan peluasan B20 menjadi B30. Jika ini ditempuh mampu menyerap CPO (via biodiesel) sebesar 12 juta ton per tahun. Kedua, semua mesin-mesin diesel yang dimiliki PLN, PELNI, PJKA perlu menggunakan CPO pengganti solar. Jika ini ditempuh dapat menyerap setidaknya 5 juta ton CPO per tahun. Ketiga, subsitusi bensin petro dengan green gasoline dari sawit. Konsumsi bensin kita sekitar 32 juta ton per tahun. Jika 10 persen saja diganti dengan green gasoline(bensin hijau) akan menyerap sekitar 3.4 juta ton.
Ketiga cara tersebut bukan sekadar menyelamatkan harga sawit yang sangat penting itu. Cara tersebut juga akan mengurangi impor minyak bumi lebih besar sehingga neraca perdagangan kita makin sehat. Dan ujung-ujungnya Rupiah pun makin kuat.
Peluang menyerap CPO pasar domestik masih terbuka. Tinggal politik will pemerintah untuk mengeksekusinya. Jika hal-hal ini dapat direalisasikan segera, harga CPO dunia akan naik mendekati USD 800 per ton. Harga TBS juga akan merangkak naik rata-rata Rp 1500-2000 per Kg. Kenaikan harga TBS ini akan menggairahkan 3.5 juta petani sawit di 200 kabupaten di Indonesia, memutar ekonomi daerah dan sektor-sektor ekonomi lebih cepat.
Kondisi yang lebih baik tersebut tidak datang sendirinya melainkan harus dibangun by design. Tidak cukup Pemerintah saja, Asosiasi sawit juga harus bergerak bersama membantu pemerintah mewujudkannya.